I feel that 70% of loving your job, is the people and the culture. The greatest job in the world can suck the life out of you through your...
Everything You Wanted To Know About Starting a Business But Was Afraid to Ask The last few weeks have put most small business owners to the test. Right now is...
What Happens When An Event is Canceled Due To the Coronavirus? It’s inevitable that the Coronavirus is crossing paths with you one way or another. Hopefully it’s not in terms...
The moral dilemma of becoming a Marketing Agency for Marijuana. As we enter the advertising world of 2020 we see small to large changes in the way we do business....
When I was in 7th grade we were given an assignment that would teach us how to write a structured, correctly formatted letter. The idea was to write it...
Over my career I’ve been on several work trips. Most of them being quick run-n-gun video shoots or 3-day-long conference room bore-fests. But each of them had their own...
We had to learn our lines, of code. We love plays. We love local theaters. This year Senestre hasn’t missed a single performance at Idaho Shakespeare Festival. We see...
It’s 3:30 on Friday… I need a drink I don’t know about you, but I’ve had one hell of a week. And I feel that I’ve earned myself...
I’m a marketer. I am because I said so. It’s a pretty easy title to assume. Maybe it’s because I’ve built a few websites. Or created some commercials. I...